
Thank you for Sylvia and Nia!

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I would like to congratulate you on the two wonderful cover stories you have carried in Every Woman these past two weeks. Both Sylvia Singo and Nia Desanker spoke to me in their own way. Through their stories, I learnt the meaning of strength and the magnificence of the human will. I learnt that, in life, we will always have things thrown at us that we feel are too unfair, things we feel we cannot possibly deal with on our own.

At the same time, when faced with these challenges, it is very important that we do not give up or slow down. In these moments, it is best to cling to either God or any other higher power one believes in, such as Allah, and to figure out the best way to either deal with or live with the challenges. Through these two interviews, I learnt that how we live our life is a choice we make. We can either choose to wallow in self-pity and live the same scenario every day, complaining to everyone who cares to listen or we could decide to shoulder our burdens and take definite steps in easing them.

I have learnt so much and I would love to go on and on, but the simplest thing I can say is thank you, Every Woman.

Titha, Blantyre

Ed’s response

What more can I say, apart from ‘thank you’ for being an Every Woman reader and thank you for choosing to pick up a few things from the interviews? Like you said, life is about choices. You could have easily chosen to ignore our supplement or ignore the message that those stories carry.

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